Police Raid Lakeview School Sit-in
Police Raid Lakeview Sit-in but The Fight Continues! Rally TODAY to Support the Lakeview Sit-in! 5pm, Today (Tues, July 3rd) @ Splash Pad Park (across the street from Lakeview Elementary, 746 Grand Ave)
At 4:00am this morning the Lakeview Sit-in and People's School for Public Education was raided by 40 cops to allow the School District to begin moving administrative offices into the school building while a thousand Oakland students remain displaced. The final dispersal order was given by OUSD Police Sergeant Barhin Bhatt who murdered unarmed Raheim Brown outside of a school dance in 2011. All people present were forced to evacuate and two arrests were made. BUT THE FIGHT DOES NOT END HERE... We will use our power as a community to make sure that the administration stays out of LakeviewThis school belongs to the community! The People's School for Public Education is continuing to hold classes today and throughout the week and we will be hosting events and rallys in the coming days and weeks. We are holding a rally at 5pm to continue the fight for these 5 elementary schools and to fully-funded public education for all students. Come join us to support the Lakeview Sit-in and the Fight for Quality Public Education for all! Spread the word! For more information: http://www.facebook.com/events/410071725694852/?notif_t=plan_user_invited http://www.facebook.com/lakeview.elementary