Save the Peaks Coalition

Date of Alert: 
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Save the Peaks Coalition v. United States Forest Service

Thu Jan 5 2012 (Updated 01/06/12) Sunrise Ceremony, March, Court Hearing, & Press Conference to Save the San Francisco Peaks

Save the San Francisco Peaks The Save the Peaks Coalition is fighting the United States Forest Service in a legal battle to protect children from hazardous endocrine disruptors and to protect the San Francisco Peaks sacred site in Arizona from desecration. On Monday, January 9th, The Save the Peaks Coalition et al v. the United States Forest Service will be heard by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, CA. at 9:30am. The case argues that under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Administrative Procedure Act, the Forest Service failed to adequately consider the impacts associated with ingestion of snow made from reclaimed sewer water in its Environmental Impact Statement. Organizers are calling for a strong turn-out for a march and rally before the court hearing, and a welcoming reception will be held the previous day on Sunday, January 8th.

The Forest Service approved reclaimed sewer water for the use of snowmaking at a local Northern Arizona ski resort in 2004. The reclaimed sewer water in question is from Flagstaff's Rio de Flag Sewage Plant that has proven to contain harmful bacteria, and endocrine disruptors such as pharmaceuticals and hormones amongst other known toxins. Environmental justice groups are specifically asked to come aboard to educate their followers about the grave impacts of this situation.

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