Kevin Cooper supporters,

As you may have seen, there have been powerful Op-Ed pieces in the LA Times and NY Times in the last week calling on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant Kevin Cooper a commutation.

Supporters have been asked to contact the Governor's office ASAP!

Below is sample text provided by Kevin's legal team, we encourage you to use or add your own language. Of course, we know that Kevin is innocent and deserves more than commutation - he deserves a pardon - and you can include that in your letter! Check out www.freekevincooper.org if you need more information to include in your letter.

Here is the form where you can send an e-mail:

Here is additional contact information:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

If you can e-mail or write before Monday, that would be awesome! We want to generate as much as possible right out of the gate.


Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

As one of your last acts as California's Governor please grant Kevin Cooper a commutation of his death sentence. Mr. Cooper did not receive a fair trial, and we now know that much exonerating evidence in his case was destroyed, lost or hidden. He has also not been given a fair hearing to establish his innocence. I do not want California to execute an innocent man.

Your Name