Medical Abuse

December, 2004
Location of Prisoner: 

Dear PARC,

I hope my letter, find your spirit and health well; and your holidays rewarding with happiness.

How am I? I am mentally, emotionally, and physically in torment, and deterioration, and suffer unimaginable, and punishing retribution of pains. 

My current condition is :

1. I sit and sleep in my wheelchair 24 hours  and I have been like this for 3 years and 8 months.
2. My last bath was April , 2004, and I have visible dirt discolored skin, and foul odor.
3. My cell is in the most unsanitary inhumane filthy condition condition with feces, urine, trash, maggots and flies.
4. I stay sick because of the filth, and cannot clean because the inmate has to clean their cell on their own.
5. For 3 years, and 8 months, I have been denied all outdoors and indoors recreational exercise.

I need help to get my story out and told.
