Herman Bell pleads guilty for reduced charge

Today, June 29, 2009, Herman Bell, one of the SF8, will plead (pled) guilty in Department 22 of the San Francisco Superior Court to the reduced charge of voluntary manslaughter for his role in the killing of San Francisco police officer John Young in 1971. Mr. Bell is charged along with six others with this crime. The other six are still scheduled to go forward with the preliminary hearing beginning on July 6, 2009.


In conjunction with the Berlin Art Gallery “Magnificat” and the “Institute for Social Strategy” the Association “Art and Prison” announces an international fine art competition whose main focus is to draw attention to the treatment of minorities.
In accordance with its primary objective, “Art and Prison” focuses mainly on persons who are forced to live in prisons. However, it also desires to enlist the support of artists who, through their art, have contributed to understanding the concrete situation of those people whose human dignity is not respected.

Critical Resistance to open legal clinic in New Orleans

On June 27th, CR's first legal clinic is opening its doors in New Orleans. The clinic will begin with a focus on helping former prisoners expunge their records, and file police complaint forms.

As CR gets going, we're also planning Community Legal Institutes to further discuss and share strategies for navigating the legal system in a way that helps keep ourselves and our neighbors safe, that prevents harm from happening in the first place, and moves us all towards abolition.

NAPW helps Immigrant Pregnant Woman Win Release from prison

National Association of Pregnant Women assist in the release of pregnant woman from custody

          Dear Friends and Allies:

WRITE A LETTER to support Leonard Peltier's parole hearing--July 2009

Leonard Peltier's first full parole hearing was held in 1993, atwhich time his case was continued for a 15-year reconsideration. On Wednesday, it was announced (in Portland, OR) that Mr. Peltier hasrecently applied for and been granted a parole hearing. The hearingis scheduled for July 27, 2009. All supporters are encouraged tostep up their efforts in support of parole for Leonard Peltier.

Letters in Support of Parole

U.S Supreme Court Justices to Hear Appeals of Lifers Sentenced as Teens

 By Bill Mears
CNN Supreme Court Producer
Monday, May 4, 2009

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Supreme Court will decide whether it is cruel and unusual punishment for young criminal offenders to be sentenced to life in prison with parole.

The justices agreed without comment Monday to accept appeals from two Florida inmates convicted as teenagers of criminal offenses. Oral arguments will be heard in the fall.

Open Letter to Attorney General Jerry Brown: Drop the Charges Against the SF 8!

Copy and paste or download the attached document to send tthis letter to Jerry Brown, California's Attorney General!

General Jerry Brown

Harris State Building

Clay Street

CA 94607

New website: www.prisonwarehouse.com

Press Release

Announcing the opening of a new web site dedicated to truthfully informing the hard working citizens of the state of Virginia about how their tax dollars are being wasted by their representatives with warehousing of prisoners.

This site digs deeply into the Prison Warehousing problems and the problens with "New Law" and "Old Law" policies.

We ask that you visit the web site and give it the widest distribution possible.

PARC member and allies arrested at Free Tristan Rally

San Francisco---Four activists, including one PARC member and two East Bay Prisoner Support (EBPS) members, were arrested and charged with felonies following police brutality that occured at a rally in San Francisco on Monday, March 16th, in solidarity with Tristan Anderson.

Tristan Anderson is a Bay Area resident who was severely injured by Israeli Military Forces while standing in solidarity with Palestinians at a small protest in a Palestinian town earlier this month.


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